Monday, 24 February 2014

Introducing Room B 2014

The cave

I was waking into the bush  and I came across a cave and I had to explore it so I start to wake down.  It was lit up with red. The i came arose a forest there was a flouting house and spooky goest around it I wand how to get I got some rope. Though it and it hock on the door I climbed up the rope. I got the top and open the door. Roo came out it was a fly that made that sound so I squashed it there was only 2 rooms I checked both nothing was in them so I start to back home but I fly.But it was just a dream.

By Baden

Scarest day of your live!!

One night Ethan,Lance and I went to check this haunted house.  We took one step forward.  Slice agh!  Ethan's whole head got chop off from a trap.  Slender man was standing there with a chainsaw in his hand steering at as.We never moved a mussel.  He disappeared before we could ever blink.  Lance I think u have to pull out the special weapon.  Burr! Not that I mean the surd of death.  1 hour later we searched the whole house but never killed him.  We came across Lance.  What the!  Lance got possessed by that restarted lady off the coduring

By Avian          

The nightmare

          It was a gloomy day and I was walking home from school and I heard a strange noise crunch crackle. I was scared out of my life because I was all on my own and  the route that I usually take to get home was blocked so I had to take the forest route I'm so scared what if the slender man gets me. I enter the dark forest with fear I keep looking up and I saw . . . .

 a floating house bang then I woke and I was on my warm cosy bed I having a horrible nightmare.

By Shanae