Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Google Chrome - the best browser on the web

Kia ora whanau

Our school is becoming a Google Apps for Education School.  All devices used at school will need to access the internet using the Google Chrome web browser.  This will ensure the google apps our learners use are running at their optimum.
We will download this at school tomorrow. If your child is unable to download could you support them to do this at home.  This is a free app.

Miss Turner

Hapara Teacher Dashboard

What an exciting few days in Room B.  We have been discovering the fabulousness of GAFE.  Our school and class are lucky to have the Hapara Teacher Dashboard and school based student emails.  Our class has been busy logging into Google Accounts and changing passwords and the most magnificent part of the day was using google docs to complete a student goal form.  But wait, there is more - I could comment on individual student's docs in real time and quickly see what my innovators were working on.