An important part of our ethos at Turaki Primary School and in Room B is the inclusion our whanau & caregivers. YOU are an important part of the waka that must take our learners into the future. On this page you will find information about useful learning sites for your child.
Study Ladder - online learning activities
IXL Maths - maths practise - play for 5 mins without an account
nzmaths - online information about how you can support your child's maths at home & links to math related websites with interactive games, quizzes and short videos.
nzmaths - online information about how you can support your child's maths at home & links to math related websites with interactive games, quizzes and short videos.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin
Hi ms Turner. How Can we as whanau be part of the learning