Wednesday, 19 March 2014

The bird hazard

                                       The bird hazard

Once lived a lonely house in the middle of nowhere. There was something wrong with the house. Every single once in a while the'll always be a bird fly through the the window or out. I keep saying to myself "look up can you see the beautiful sky" no I replied all you could see is a abandoned bird flying into a massive group of birds. I just live about five minutes from here I explore this house nearly every day. Every time I get home I'm always covered with bird poo or bird poo with feathers stuck to it.


Cricket tournament 2014!

Today we had a cricket tournament for the schools in Taumarunui across the road from Turaki school.
It was AWESOME!!! 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

School is Closed Today


School is closed today due to a contamination of the town water supply.  The Ministry of Education has advised the school to close due to the risk to student health and well being.  All water must be boiled before drinking.

Thank you,
Miss Turner
Room B teacher

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

The brain monster!

One day, there were two girls exploring a science lab. Their names were Hannah and Shaquita. They found a container with something in it. It looked like an acorn. But when Shaquita lifted  the lid it jumped on her face! IT WAS A BRAIN MONSTER! It killed her. Then I didn't know what to do. Then I got an idea. I went into the girls bathroom and flushed her head first into the toilet. SWISH! That solved my problem of the brain monster. Then I went home and played iron man on my tablet then I had a ham sandwich. Then went back to the  lab.

But when she lifted the lid

Centaine and I went to the park and I found a frog and said can I keep it she said " yes". I took it home.  Mum said " what is that" " Toby the frog" you can't keep that inside the dog will eat it"." Centaine got me a tank to put it in". At lunch time I went to go get Toby  he wasn't there. Centaine went to the toilet but when she lifted the lid Toby jumped out of the toilet Centaine started screaming I said "you found Toby" but mum said" your going to have to let Toby go okay.
By Rosie
Room B
Turaki primary school
Taumarunui Nz

The evil toilet

Once upon a time there lived a girl. She moved into a house with a evil toilet. No one knew that the toilet was evil. At midnight the girl went toilet. But when she lift the toilet lid the toilet ate her. She never came out. ... The girl's father went toilet he lift the toilet lid Flush he was a goner. The girl's mother went to the toilet you know what happened she was died. The girl's sister went to the toilet... The toilet was a monster. No one ever lived in that house ever again. It very was very sad they died.  

Thursday, 6 March 2014

My fairy tale


Once upon a time there were three little pigs that lived in a cottage together.
One day, they decided that they will build their own little houses alone.
The first pig built his house out of straw, the second built his out of sticks and third built his out of strong brick.
Then along came a wolf and blew the straw house down and ate the first pig then he blew the second house down and ate the next pig. Finally he got a stone and smashed the window climbed in then ate the other pig.
"Yum."Wolf said.
By Waiora.
Room B.
Turaki primary school.
Taumarunui NZ.

Ku fu Goldilocks

Once upon there lived a girl called Goldilocks she was hungry and tired. So  she went in the woods and try to find a house. She found a cottage. She went in. She saw some  porridge on the table. She sat on a chair. It was just right. She broke the chair. So she went  to find a bed. She went to sleep. Three bears came in and they were angry.They went up stairs and saw Goldilocks...she woke up and did some ku fu and ate them. Then she pooped them out. They never came back. They  died...

By Dillique 
Room B 
New Zealand 

Goldie locks and the three bears

Once upon a time there lived three bears bears they lived in the woods. One day the three bears were having porridge. Mama bear said"  it is to hot so we should go for a walk". While the three bears went for a walk,a girl named Goldie locks knocked on the door but nobody answered so she went inside and saw the smallest bowl so she had eaten it. She went upstairs she saw three beds she only liked the last one and fell asleep the bears came back and cooked her for dinner now nobody goes into the woods cause they know what happened to Goldilocks . . . . 

By Shanae 
Room b 
Turaki school


Goldie locks and the three bears

Once upon a time there lived three bears bears they lived in the woods. One day the three bears were having porridge. Mama bear said"  it is to hot so we should go for a walk". While the three bears went for a walk,a girl named Goldie locks knocked on the door but nobody answered so she went inside and saw the smallest bowl so she had eaten it. She went upstairs she saw three beds she only liked the last one and fell asleep the bears came back and cooked her for dinner now nobody goes into the woods cause they know what happened to Goldilocks . . . . 

By Shanae 
Room b 
Turaki school


The three little pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs, a girl and two boys. They went out into the woods in search of a house. The first pig made his house out of straw. The second little pig made his house out of sticks. Then the third little pig made her house out of bricks it took for ever to build it. There was a big bad wolf that saw the three pigs building there houses. So he blew down the first house ate the pig then blew down the second house ate that pig. The last pig was all alone.

By Rosie
Room B 
Turaki primary school.

The three little pigs with a different ending!

One day there were three pigs. They all lived in a cottage. One day, they decided to move out to build their own homes. The first pig made his house out of straw. The second pig made his house out of sticks, and the third made it out of bricks. Then a wolf came and blew the first house down. The pig ran to the second house. The wolf blew that house down too! The pigs ran to the brick house. The wolf grabbed a sledge hammer smashed the door and killed the pigs. Then ate them for lunch and dinner.

By Hannah.
Room B.
Turaki primary school.
Taumarunui, NZ.


" Rupunzel Rupunzel let down your long 
brunet hair."Rapunzel stood there with a  lonely face. Her Mum was screaming at her "hurry up Rupunzel". "No" she yelled out to her mother.

"Never your always yelling at me and demanding  I'm packing my things and leaving". Rupunzel said with her last words. "I never want to see you agin." Her mother was in shock she was struggling what do I do what do I do she yelled I have lost her.

For ever I will never get her back now suddenly this long flock of hair came shooting around the corner "thank you, you came back."

Turaki primary

The three little pigs.

 Once upon a time there lived three little pigs, Fincy, Fancy and Dancy. 

A few months back their Mama had told them that they need to make there own Wharae. 

They had been living happily for along time now, but yesterday a wolf had moved into the neighbourhood. 

One day the wolf came over to say hello to Fincy, Fancy and Dancy. 

Each time the wolf came over to vist, he captured one of the pigs.  When he captured the last pig he invited everyone in the village to come have a hangi, that he made out of the pigs.  

Some of these words are in Moari so if you don't know what they are here: 
WHARAE: House 
HANGI:A food that you cook under the ground.  (And tastes really nice) 

Turaki Pirmrary School

Jack and the bean stalk

One day there was a boy named Jack.  He was a good little boy.  One day Jack and his mother went to buy some seeds from the market.  When they went to plant the seeds they planted 20 seeds.  The next morning Jack woke up and looked out the window right there was a giant bean stalk he got dressed as fast as he could and went out side to climb it.  Then he saw a giant troll.   The  troll looked at him it got closer then Jack fell boom jack fell out of the tree and he died why no.

By Fergus
Room b 
Turaki primary school
Taumarunui, Nz
I was sitting on the couch all alone with no one sitting by my side. I was watching breaking news when suddenly "There is a meteor heading towards earth, everyone must evacuate their homes." I got frightened. I sprinted outside as the tv told me to. I looked up towards the sun, all of a sudden everything went pitch black. Then it came out  bright again, something came close, it looked like a big ball of rock caught on fire. It was the meteor. It came down as fast as a rocket going up. It sank through the hard ground, pushing through the earth.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Jack and the ugly giant and the big black cupboard

Jack and the bean stalk

One day Jack found a bean stalk he was a curious boy and wanted to climb it but his mum and dad said "what happens if you fall off?" So one night he went and climbed the bean stalk. What he found there was amazing. There was a city built on a cloud  that had lots of giants in it. They could smell him and wanted to eat him. One big ugly giant was coming so he jumped into the  big black cupboard of one. When the big ugly giant was gone he went down the bean stalk and all the way home.

By Hamish
Room b
Turaki primary school
Taumurunui nz

The sad ending of the three little pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the big bad wolf.The three little pigs made up a name each.1 pig was named awesome because he was awesome.The second pig was named brainy because he was brainy.The third pig was named dumb brain because he had a dumb brain.They all thought they should build a house each.The 1st pig made his house out of sticks.The second pig made his out of wood and the third pig made his out of bricks but they all had no door. That night they died.

The end.
By shay 
Room b
Turaki primary school
Taumarunui New Zealand 

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Google Chrome - the best browser on the web

Kia ora whanau

Our school is becoming a Google Apps for Education School.  All devices used at school will need to access the internet using the Google Chrome web browser.  This will ensure the google apps our learners use are running at their optimum.
We will download this at school tomorrow. If your child is unable to download could you support them to do this at home.  This is a free app.

Miss Turner

Hapara Teacher Dashboard

What an exciting few days in Room B.  We have been discovering the fabulousness of GAFE.  Our school and class are lucky to have the Hapara Teacher Dashboard and school based student emails.  Our class has been busy logging into Google Accounts and changing passwords and the most magnificent part of the day was using google docs to complete a student goal form.  But wait, there is more - I could comment on individual student's docs in real time and quickly see what my innovators were working on.