Our Kidpreneur unit is well underway. It has been great to see group members collaborate on ideas and strategies to get their businesses off the ground. We have had a great range of ideas and products development. Roll on the 16 of September and the school Market Day.
Monday, 8 September 2014
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Monday, 4 August 2014
Tips for parents and whanau in a digital world
Check out the following site - it has useful tips and information about digital use. Click here

Speeches - my favourite animals, why bare feet are better than shoes, natural disasters . . . . .
As part of our speech writing, we have been brainstorming possible speech topic ideas. We shared these as a whole class at the end of speech topic research time.
Sunday, 3 August 2014
What the H means in AROHA
At the beginning of term 3, week 1, our AROHA focus was to recap what each letter of AROHA means. We used #padlet to share and document our knowledge and understanding. What I love about #padlet is that every contributor can individually record their contributions and these are easily documented as a record of learning.
There is our H is for honesty padlet
We have been using #padlet to share and document our learning as we work through our entreprenuer unit. The LI: to understand what an entreprenuer is and to find some examples - check out our work as far
Spelling patterns
Today, as one of our CAFE hotspot teaching sessions, we recapped spelling patterns. This was a quick whole class workshop.
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Respect of each other in Room B
We collaborated to come up with some rules of how we can show respect towards each other in Room B. We used Padlet to record our thoughts.
Our goal as a class is to demonstrate these behaviours
Our goal as a class is to demonstrate these behaviours
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Rippa Rugby 2014: Interschool comp
This is the Year 5/6 team before their semi-final. Ardy, the coach is giving the team a talk before the game. The team needed a win here to go on to the tournament at Taupo in week 11. The team went on to win...
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
The bird hazard
The bird hazard
Once lived a lonely house in the middle of nowhere. There was something wrong with the house. Every single once in a while the'll always be a bird fly through the the window or out. I keep saying to myself "look up can you see the beautiful sky" no I replied all you could see is a abandoned bird flying into a massive group of birds. I just live about five minutes from here I explore this house nearly every day. Every time I get home I'm always covered with bird poo or bird poo with feathers stuck to it.
Cricket tournament 2014!
Today we had a cricket tournament for the schools in Taumarunui across the road from Turaki school.
Thursday, 13 March 2014
School is Closed Today
School is closed today due to a contamination of the town water supply. The Ministry of Education has advised the school to close due to the risk to student health and well being. All water must be boiled before drinking.
Thank you,
Miss Turner
Room B teacher
School is closed today due to a contamination of the town water supply. The Ministry of Education has advised the school to close due to the risk to student health and well being. All water must be boiled before drinking.
Thank you,
Miss Turner
Room B teacher
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
The brain monster!
One day, there were two girls exploring a science lab. Their names were Hannah and Shaquita. They found a container with something in it. It looked like an acorn. But when Shaquita lifted the lid it jumped on her face! IT WAS A BRAIN MONSTER! It killed her. Then I didn't know what to do. Then I got an idea. I went into the girls bathroom and flushed her head first into the toilet. SWISH! That solved my problem of the brain monster. Then I went home and played iron man on my tablet then I had a ham sandwich. Then went back to the lab.
But when she lifted the lid
Centaine and I went to the park and I found a frog and said can I keep it she said " yes". I took it home. Mum said " what is that" " Toby the frog" you can't keep that inside the dog will eat it"." Centaine got me a tank to put it in". At lunch time I went to go get Toby he wasn't there. Centaine went to the toilet but when she lifted the lid Toby jumped out of the toilet Centaine started screaming I said "you found Toby" but mum said" your going to have to let Toby go okay.
By Rosie
Room B
Turaki primary school
Taumarunui Nz
The evil toilet
Once upon a time there lived a girl. She moved into a house with a evil toilet. No one knew that the toilet was evil. At midnight the girl went toilet. But when she lift the toilet lid the toilet ate her. She never came out. ... The girl's father went toilet he lift the toilet lid Flush he was a goner. The girl's mother went to the toilet you know what happened she was died. The girl's sister went to the toilet... The toilet was a monster. No one ever lived in that house ever again. It very was very sad they died.
Thursday, 6 March 2014
My fairy tale
Once upon a time there were three little pigs that lived in a cottage together.
One day, they decided that they will build their own little houses alone.
The first pig built his house out of straw, the second built his out of sticks and third built his out of strong brick.
Then along came a wolf and blew the straw house down and ate the first pig then he blew the second house down and ate the next pig. Finally he got a stone and smashed the window climbed in then ate the other pig.
"Yum."Wolf said.
By Waiora.
Room B.
Turaki primary school.
Taumarunui NZ.
Ku fu Goldilocks
Once upon there lived a girl called Goldilocks she was hungry and tired. So she went in the woods and try to find a house. She found a cottage. She went in. She saw some porridge on the table. She sat on a chair. It was just right. She broke the chair. So she went to find a bed. She went to sleep. Three bears came in and they were angry.They went up stairs and saw Goldilocks...she woke up and did some ku fu and ate them. Then she pooped them out. They never came back. They died...
By Dillique
Room B
New Zealand
Goldie locks and the three bears
Once upon a time there lived three bears bears they lived in the woods. One day the three bears were having porridge. Mama bear said" it is to hot so we should go for a walk". While the three bears went for a walk,a girl named Goldie locks knocked on the door but nobody answered so she went inside and saw the smallest bowl so she had eaten it. She went upstairs she saw three beds she only liked the last one and fell asleep the bears came back and cooked her for dinner now nobody goes into the woods cause they know what happened to Goldilocks . . . .
By Shanae
Room b
Turaki school
Goldie locks and the three bears
Once upon a time there lived three bears bears they lived in the woods. One day the three bears were having porridge. Mama bear said" it is to hot so we should go for a walk". While the three bears went for a walk,a girl named Goldie locks knocked on the door but nobody answered so she went inside and saw the smallest bowl so she had eaten it. She went upstairs she saw three beds she only liked the last one and fell asleep the bears came back and cooked her for dinner now nobody goes into the woods cause they know what happened to Goldilocks . . . .
By Shanae
Room b
Turaki school
The three little pigs
Once upon a time there were three little pigs, a girl and two boys. They went out into the woods in search of a house. The first pig made his house out of straw. The second little pig made his house out of sticks. Then the third little pig made her house out of bricks it took for ever to build it. There was a big bad wolf that saw the three pigs building there houses. So he blew down the first house ate the pig then blew down the second house ate that pig. The last pig was all alone.
By Rosie
Room B
Turaki primary school.
The three little pigs with a different ending!
One day there were three pigs. They all lived in a cottage. One day, they decided to move out to build their own homes. The first pig made his house out of straw. The second pig made his house out of sticks, and the third made it out of bricks. Then a wolf came and blew the first house down. The pig ran to the second house. The wolf blew that house down too! The pigs ran to the brick house. The wolf grabbed a sledge hammer smashed the door and killed the pigs. Then ate them for lunch and dinner.
By Hannah.
Room B.
Turaki primary school.
Taumarunui, NZ.
" Rupunzel Rupunzel let down your long
brunet hair."Rapunzel stood there with a lonely face. Her Mum was screaming at her "hurry up Rupunzel". "No" she yelled out to her mother.
"Never your always yelling at me and demanding I'm packing my things and leaving". Rupunzel said with her last words. "I never want to see you agin." Her mother was in shock she was struggling what do I do what do I do she yelled I have lost her.
For ever I will never get her back now suddenly this long flock of hair came shooting around the corner "thank you, you came back."
Turaki primary
The three little pigs.
Once upon a time there lived three little pigs, Fincy, Fancy and Dancy.
A few months back their Mama had told them that they need to make there own Wharae.
They had been living happily for along time now, but yesterday a wolf had moved into the neighbourhood.
One day the wolf came over to say hello to Fincy, Fancy and Dancy.
Each time the wolf came over to vist, he captured one of the pigs. When he captured the last pig he invited everyone in the village to come have a hangi, that he made out of the pigs.
Some of these words are in Moari so if you don't know what they are here:
HANGI:A food that you cook under the ground. (And tastes really nice)
Turaki Pirmrary School
Jack and the bean stalk
One day there was a boy named Jack. He was a good little boy. One day Jack and his mother went to buy some seeds from the market. When they went to plant the seeds they planted 20 seeds. The next morning Jack woke up and looked out the window right there was a giant bean stalk he got dressed as fast as he could and went out side to climb it. Then he saw a giant troll. The troll looked at him it got closer then Jack fell boom jack fell out of the tree and he died why no.
By Fergus
Room b
Turaki primary school
Taumarunui, Nz
I was sitting on the couch all alone with no one sitting by my side. I was watching breaking news when suddenly "There is a meteor heading towards earth, everyone must evacuate their homes." I got frightened. I sprinted outside as the tv told me to. I looked up towards the sun, all of a sudden everything went pitch black. Then it came out bright again, something came close, it looked like a big ball of rock caught on fire. It was the meteor. It came down as fast as a rocket going up. It sank through the hard ground, pushing through the earth.
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Jack and the ugly giant and the big black cupboard
Jack and the bean stalk
One day Jack found a bean stalk he was a curious boy and wanted to climb it but his mum and dad said "what happens if you fall off?" So one night he went and climbed the bean stalk. What he found there was amazing. There was a city built on a cloud that had lots of giants in it. They could smell him and wanted to eat him. One big ugly giant was coming so he jumped into the big black cupboard of one. When the big ugly giant was gone he went down the bean stalk and all the way home.
By Hamish
Room b
Turaki primary school
Taumurunui nz
One day Jack found a bean stalk he was a curious boy and wanted to climb it but his mum and dad said "what happens if you fall off?" So one night he went and climbed the bean stalk. What he found there was amazing. There was a city built on a cloud that had lots of giants in it. They could smell him and wanted to eat him. One big ugly giant was coming so he jumped into the big black cupboard of one. When the big ugly giant was gone he went down the bean stalk and all the way home.
By Hamish
Room b
Turaki primary school
Taumurunui nz
The sad ending of the three little pigs
Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the big bad wolf.The three little pigs made up a name each.1 pig was named awesome because he was awesome.The second pig was named brainy because he was brainy.The third pig was named dumb brain because he had a dumb brain.They all thought they should build a house each.The 1st pig made his house out of sticks.The second pig made his out of wood and the third pig made his out of bricks but they all had no door. That night they died.
The end.
By shay
Room b
Turaki primary school
Taumarunui New Zealand
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Google Chrome - the best browser on the web
Kia ora whanau
Our school is becoming a Google Apps for Education School. All devices used at school will need to access the internet using the Google Chrome web browser. This will ensure the google apps our learners use are running at their optimum.
We will download this at school tomorrow. If your child is unable to download could you support them to do this at home. This is a free app.
Miss Turner
Our school is becoming a Google Apps for Education School. All devices used at school will need to access the internet using the Google Chrome web browser. This will ensure the google apps our learners use are running at their optimum.
We will download this at school tomorrow. If your child is unable to download could you support them to do this at home. This is a free app.
Miss Turner
Hapara Teacher Dashboard
What an exciting few days in Room B. We have been discovering the fabulousness of GAFE. Our school and class are lucky to have the Hapara Teacher Dashboard and school based student emails. Our class has been busy logging into Google Accounts and changing passwords and the most magnificent part of the day was using google docs to complete a student goal form. But wait, there is more - I could comment on individual student's docs in real time and quickly see what my innovators were working on.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Meteor attack
I was sitting on the couch all alone with no one sitting by my side. I was watching breaking news when suddenly "There is a meteor heading towards earth, everyone must evacuate their homes." I got frightened. I sprinted outside as the tv told me to. I looked up towards the sun, all of a sudden everything went pitch black. Then it came out bright again, something came close, it looked like a big ball of rock caught on fire. It was the meteor. It came down as fast as a rocket going up. It sank through the hard ground, pushing through the earth.
The awesome killers
Once upon a time there were two girls their names were Waiora and Hannah. They were in the kitchen making breakfast. When all of a sudden the ground, started to rattle. Then a arm reach out at us. We screamed. The arm pulled us downward through the boards. Before he pulled me down, I grabbed two kitchen knifes. Down we went.They were ZOMBIES! We were pulled down into the zombies mouthes. I flung a knife to Waiora then we stabbed them all. Then we were pushing through the earth like the green hulk. We stood on the grass safely . After we went home.
By Hannah.
Room B Turaki Primary School.
Pushing through the earth
Pushing through the earth
Dannielle and I were going to the town pools. We saw something pushing through the earth it was a................. white flower. So Dannielle and I hopped in the pool.but the flower grew and grew until it was taller than me. Then it came alive it started chasing Dannielle and I . It was a Alain flower. What should we do I said to Dannielle she said on the count to 3 run.
1........2..........3......RUN!!! We ran as fast as we could but Dannielle feel over. I quickly helped her up we ran until finally we lost it. Yay it's gone.
By Rosie
Room B Turaki primary School
A devil story
A spooky story
Wow! This looks like a cemetery place to me? "I hope there's no hopeless ghost or zombies around because this looks like a fantastic place to me" replied Megan . But in between 2.00pm and 2.30pm I was just wandering around like a parrot when Megan ran off but I just kept on walking. When I got a bit more closer I stepped in some mud . So I went on and I heard this screaming. It sounded like Megan. so I hurried to where she was screaming from. when I got there Megan had been eaten by a zombie.
By Shaquita
Room b Turaki Primary School
The sun flower that won't stop growing
This is a story about two girls named Jade, and Chloe. They were walking through the forest and came to a house with neon lights shining on it. The house with neon lights was floating in the air. The two girls were looking around for a ladder. In the shadows there was a dark figure. It stood out into the light and it was Jason the killer. He had made a visit to town and killed a couple of people. Jade whispered into Chloe's ear and said "run" so they ran far away and escaped from the scary Jason.
By Chloe
Room B
Turaki primary school
The plant
One sunny morning I Thad a dark and gloomy cave that had spooky shadows and a floating door.
It is so scary that I ran away but a vine grabbed me and pulled me back. I screamed but no one heard me.
I was faraway.I got my knife and cut it but they kept on grabbing me. Then I found a man eating plant. It tried to eat me. I threw my knife into it's mouth and it exploded. Plant guts went all other the place. Then I went home and had lunch the end.
By Benjamin
The last thing I remember was the zombies cold green hand pushing up through the earth. The deathly moans following me wherever I turned. Suddenly a peak of day light creeping through the trees, soon the sun was high in the sky ,all the zombies burned to nothing. That was lucky! I say in my head. I walked through the woods for hours finally I came to a deserted town. I slowly I examined the houses trying to choose a good home for the night. I was thinking about camping at the cop shop when I came to it, beds.......
By Natalia
A scary story
Wow! Where am I? It looks like a place a devil would live. I mean look at this place it's so scary. There's something that looks like it's floating in mid air. Arghhh! Who's that?oh it's only Natalia she's my friends. Anyway I asked them "what are you doing here?".We are here on a quest to find the golden egg of puss in boots they replied. There's no such thing. It's just a fairy tale I said. She looked at me like I was stupid. Anyway we walked into some sort of red area that was bright red. Natalia followed. Then I saw something......
By sahanya
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Marae visit this Friday
Our whole school is visiting Ngapuwaiwaha Marae this Friday. Our class has been busy polishing our school song and learning their pepeha.
Whanau are awesome
Thank you very much to all the whanau, parents & caregivers that returned the home contact form and the families that have contacted me via email. A big thank you to the families that submitted their form online. Miss Turner.
Monday, 24 February 2014
The cave
I was waking into the bush and I came across a cave and I had to explore it so I start to wake down. It was lit up with red. The i came arose a forest there was a flouting house and spooky goest around it I wand how to get I got some rope. Though it and it hock on the door I climbed up the rope. I got the top and open the door. Roo came out it was a fly that made that sound so I squashed it there was only 2 rooms I checked both nothing was in them so I start to back home but I fly.But it was just a dream.
By Baden
Scarest day of your live!!
One night Ethan,Lance and I went to check this haunted house. We took one step forward. Slice agh! Ethan's whole head got chop off from a trap. Slender man was standing there with a chainsaw in his hand steering at as.We never moved a mussel. He disappeared before we could ever blink. Lance I think u have to pull out the special weapon. Burr! Not that I mean the surd of death. 1 hour later we searched the whole house but never killed him. We came across Lance. What the! Lance got possessed by that restarted lady off the coduring
By Avian
The nightmare
It was a gloomy day and I was walking home from school and I heard a strange noise crunch crackle. I was scared out of my life because I was all on my own and the route that I usually take to get home was blocked so I had to take the forest route I'm so scared what if the slender man gets me. I enter the dark forest with fear I keep looking up and I saw . . . .
a floating house bang then I woke and I was on my warm cosy bed I having a horrible nightmare.
By Shanae
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Shadow guards defend
As I was sprinting through the dark hall way avoiding the ghostly shadow guards of my haunted green floating house they had bright shining light trying to blind me so I dodged the beam. I jumped to the house SLAM! I slammed the door as hard as I could chopping a shadow guards hand off the hand was casing me I ran into my room grabbed my purple ghost spray and sprayed the hand POOF it was goon in a tick. Woof that almost got me. I ran to Hailies room to tell her the news she was so frightened.
Haunted forest.
One day me,Avian,Lance and Caleb went hunting
we set camp in the forest.suddenly I saw a beam of light."aaaa"!Aliens!I ducked down with my gun and. boom!!The bullet went straight though it.It kind of look like a door floating in mid air."ow".I went back to the camp and sneakily grab a ladder.crunch!No!"Ethan,what ta doing.Um, noting.okay.fellow me."Ah".Aliens!No!It just a floating door.Lets go though it.so we put the latter down.what was that.Suddenly every ones dead but not lance.
100 Word Challenge
It was a dark night, I was walking through the forest at the end of town, no one was brave enough to go into the forest but my friend live in there so I walked there all the time.
I was almost at Sasha's house and I herd a noise it sounded like it was behind me, but it wasn't so I just kept walking.
I finely got were I thought I was meant to be but I wasn't were Sasha's house was. The next day Sasha told me about her house not really there it was just a picture.
By Josie.
Week 4: Is it really week 4?
Kia ora,
Week 3 was very busy in Room B. Room B has signed up to the 100 word challenge and a few speedy innovators posted their first stories this week. Below is the first prompt. Students must write about the prompt using 100 words. Our first attempt was a huge success and I am very impressed with the writers that used descriptive language and kept to the 100 word count. Check these out & provide our budding writers with comments. All writers will complete this weeks challenge and post to our blog. Then these posts will be linked to the 100wc blog.
What's on this week: We have a Sport Waikato Cricket coach visiting our school to run cricket clinics with each class on Thursday 27 of February. Many of our students are looking forward to this and the upcoming inter-school cricket tournament.
Thank you to those parents that returned the contact slip. I look forward to emailing and texting you to celebrate the success of your child. Please continue to return these to school.
Week 3 was very busy in Room B. Room B has signed up to the 100 word challenge and a few speedy innovators posted their first stories this week. Below is the first prompt. Students must write about the prompt using 100 words. Our first attempt was a huge success and I am very impressed with the writers that used descriptive language and kept to the 100 word count. Check these out & provide our budding writers with comments. All writers will complete this weeks challenge and post to our blog. Then these posts will be linked to the 100wc blog.
What's on this week: We have a Sport Waikato Cricket coach visiting our school to run cricket clinics with each class on Thursday 27 of February. Many of our students are looking forward to this and the upcoming inter-school cricket tournament.
Thank you to those parents that returned the contact slip. I look forward to emailing and texting you to celebrate the success of your child. Please continue to return these to school.
Check back frequently as this week's challenge is for each student to create an introducing me feature for publishing to the class blog. Yippee!
Miss Turner
Room B Teacher
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#Week 22: 100wc prompt |
Thursday, 20 February 2014
The mysterious story
The mysterious story!
There was once a boy called Jason Kurt who lived in a small area called busy town.It was always busy nobody had time to spare.
But one school night afterJason had dinner he went to go to his room.
Out of the corner of his eye Jason saw a bright light that was shining out of his window.
So he climbed out of the window and followed the light all the way to a portal where there was a house shining brightly.
What Jason Kurt did next nobody knows only that he's gone where no ones been before.
The scariest night of the year
It was a dark dark night. I was walking home from my friends house I had stayed there the night. It was Friday the 13 it's the scariest night of the year. know one was brave enough to drive me home or even walk me home so I had to walk home. It took me 40minutes to walk home I said to my
self what if something actually does jump out at me what would I do should I run or get killed I don't know I just won't think about that suddenly I heard rustling in the bush it jumps out !!!
The woods🌲
The woods
My house is next to the deep dark woods. Some people say that slender man lives in a spooky tree house but of course that's not true.Tonight I'm going trick or treating I say to Fergus. Aren't you afraid of slender man? Fergus said. No of course not! Now come on! After school I meet with Fergus. Suddenly We saw a gleaming light coming from the forest that's when Fergus started to freak out. Soon me and Fergus saw a tree house it was decorated with light we climbed up and opened the door slender man was there oh no! .....
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
The return of Freddy Cougar
Me and Chloe were taking an afternoon walk in the brightly green woods.when suddenly red started to shine everywhere then there was lots of noises.
Me and Chloe started getting suspicious.we looked to our side and noticed the bush rattling.
We went closer and peeked into the bush, there was a colourful house hanging on the trees.we looked to the side and saw a man he looked kinda like a man called Freddy Cougar.people say he's a killer. I yelled run at the top of my lungs, to late he had already gotten us. We're doomed.
Haunted mansion
Once upon a time there was a yellow and green mansion and that night when the mansion was found people started going missing some people say that they saw shadows walking towards the mansion and some think it's all fake. One person followed a shadow that he saw one night to the mansion and he saw they were attaracted to it he saw a ghostly figger that night but never came back. Some say he's fighting the ghost and others don't be leave it at all. one year later people say that the man one the fight no people returned.
Spooked out
One night I was asleap in my house when I woke up from a noise that I heard.I got up from bed and turned the touch on I opend the door and I found that Natalia,Ethan,Ben and Baden were at my door step."you have to help us"every body said."With what? I said a hunted house is in the woods. "WHAT"I screamed ok I will help you. We went to the bush and found it we walked up to the door and knocked on it scream came out and blew us up
The end !!!
One day there was a old haunted awesome floating house but actually a ghost was holding it up. I walked up and walked strait through 200000000 ghosts.i was the only normal one there.
I walked about.4 meters away from the house and I was at a ghost party.i partied for 2 hours and by then I was sick of ghosts and then I walked to the next place but there was nothing.then I decided to go home.5 hours later I got home and said to my self I'm never going back there again never.
The temple
The temple! Once up on a time there were three girls they were beautiful! There names were Hannah, Waiora and Natalia they were best friends. But one day they went for a walk in the bush. They started walking into the bush when a person jumped out we screamed and ran away. We ran and ran until we came to a fork in the road we took the left path and ugly guy took the right path. We started to walk we fond a colourful temple and ran inside there was a room full of gold then they became rich. The end ?
The ghost house
Boom bright lights shone in the sky. The trees were red like tomatoes but brighter. The lights made
it look like a ghost house that was flying. But it was just a tree house it looked like the people inside
were having a party. It was the brightest thing I have ever Seen. It looked make believe but on the
other hand it could also be real. The tree house was so high in the tree with so many colours on it.
I wonder what colour the tree house is with out the lights on it probably white.
By Rosie Reynolds
Spooky walk
By Chloe
Monday, 17 February 2014
Week 3 - some notes from Room B
We are completing a range of assessments in class. These include, PAT maths, GLOSS maths testing, Probe Running records, STAR reading testing, & E AsTTle writing. These assessments are used to determine the strengths and needs of our learners. The class has handled the vigour of these exceptionally well. Well done.
We swim most days. Students must bring their swim wear each day. Please check the class calendar for swimming days and times on this blog. Many of our students are progressing well with their water confidence and stroke development.
Please work with your child to keep your child's iPad apps up to date. The up-dating of iPads will not occur during class time. Also, iPads need to come to school with enough battery power. It is important to regularly allow an iPad battery to go completely flat and then recharge it fully. This will help to prolong the life of your iPad battery. iPads will not be charged in class. iPads and learners need to be ready to go each day for school. Well done to the children and whanau that have ensured that this happens.
Thanks, Miss Turner
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Week 1 .... & week 2
The first week has gone by so fast - we are in week 2!
Lots happened: checking iPads, checking hats, stationery, battling the internet, swimming, going to the library, our 'new' class & furniture.
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Ben & Hamish completing hand art |
A few pix of the first week....
Room B Innovators - hats on & I Pick book marks. Lining up for our first visit to the Library
Library week 1, term 1, 2014
BOOKS, books, & more BOOKS......
Josie, Shanae & Stella completing Hand Art. The girls are making use of the different seating options we have..... chairs & swiss balls
Room B Innovators - hats on & I Pick book marks. Lining up for our first visit to the Library
Library week 1, term 1, 2014
BOOKS, books, & more BOOKS......
Thursday, 30 January 2014
It was great to see a few families on Thursday afternoon at the iPad open session. I am growing more excited for the first day of school on Tuesday 4th February 2014.
A wonderful part of our learning space is the addition of a flat screen TV to enable us to SHARE what we LEARN. Our projector will still be a important part of our learning but we are lucky to have the choice of how we share, when and who with.
A wonderful part of our learning space is the addition of a flat screen TV to enable us to SHARE what we LEARN. Our projector will still be a important part of our learning but we are lucky to have the choice of how we share, when and who with.
TV arrived at 8.30 am this morning - |
Friday, 24 January 2014
Things to remember
The countdown continues: 10 more days until the start of the best year of our lives.
Some time first day back notices:
Swimming starts on Tuesday 4 February 2014 - bring your togs!
Technology starts for year 7's on Tuesday.
Stationery is available at Paper Plus and App Store vouchers are available as well.
Some time first day back notices:
Swimming starts on Tuesday 4 February 2014 - bring your togs!
Technology starts for year 7's on Tuesday.
Stationery is available at Paper Plus and App Store vouchers are available as well.
Monday, 20 January 2014
Welcome to Room B 2014
I have been busy getting the class ready for our new 1:1 digital learning space. Our learning space has had a makeover and I envision that it will change once all Room B's innovators arrive. A sneak peek of our class room so far...
Up Date: 21 January 2014 - I was in class today and worked with Miss L to get our classroom wireless access point up and running for the arrival of 24 iPads, a Macbook pro and a Google Chrome book. Also, there is a 50:50 chance that I, Miss Turner, will do away with her own personal teacher desk before the first day of school. Watch this space.
Swiss balls and bean bags....
What we will be doing ..
Our shared learning spaces....
Cushions and swiss balls..
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